Gallup-Certified Strength Coaching


Fulfill Your Potential With the Help of a
Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach

You want to be better. A better leader. A better manager. A better partner.

You need someone ready to help you play toward your best abilities.
You need a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach.


Why You Need A Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach

Gallup's research proves its effectiveness, and Gallup-Certified Strengths Coaching is the answer to help you flourish by helping you focus on doing more of what you naturally do best.

I will work with you to understand your strengths and weaknesses and how to manage them more effectively. I also teach teams how to work better together by understanding each team member’s Strengths.

Every pro needs a coach. Take the next step in your development and let’s connect to discover how we can maximize your success.


The Gallup Strengths Coaching Workshop Develops Leadership Skills.

  • Individual professional coaching

  • Career-oriented growth coaching

  • Manager development coaching

  • Executive and leadership coaching

I Work With You To Understand Your Strengths & Develop Your Skills.

  • Professional development

  • Management effectiveness

  • Team dynamics

  • Conflict resolution

  • Team performance

  • Career transitions

  • Leadership capacity development



When your team understands their strengths, they work more efficiently and communicate clearly with one another. Learn how to develop and engage employees to create an exceptional workplace and boost your business outcomes across the board.

workplace-solution-managing team- work from home

Who is Gallup Strength Finders Coaching For?

Team and Manager Strength Coaching

Teams and Managers

Teams that use their Strengths outperform teams that do not. You know your team members better than anybody else. But do you know what inspires them or when they are at their best? Team-wide Strengths coaching makes it simple to discover the pathway to success. Provide your team with the insights they need to get more wins, play to their Strengths, and see a pathway toward a brighter corporate future.

You and your team will have stronger team chemistry, better conversations, and more cooperation if you utilize the Strength Finders Coaching workshop to uncover what you do best.

Employees who receive strength-based development have:

7 - 23%

Higher employee

8 - 18%

Increased team

20 - 73%

Lower attrition
and turnover

Help Your Team Work Better Together

A strengths-based approach to leading your team yields dividends for more than just the bottom line.

A strengths-based approach to team coaching provides answers and insights for questions like:

  • How can we improve our corporate culture?

  • How can we improve our ability to collaborate?

  • How can we break down information and communication silos?

Why? Because the CliftonStrengths assessment gives people a common language and vocabulary to better describe, communicate with, and understand each other in a meaningful way.

Plus, when you have people in roles that fit their talents, your team’s organic energy and passion for their work can fuel great performance and inspire the same from all their partners.


  • Discovering a path forward during difficult periods of business

  • Hiring the right person with the right strengths to fill in your team’s gaps

  • Increasing development and communication speed

  • Overcoming the stress of high-performance achievement

  • Ensure the right team members occupy the right roles in the organization

individual Gallup strength finders coaching


Discover Who You Are And Own It! The Gallup Strength Finders assessment outlines your top talents, while your report features definitions of each of those talents that are specific to you.

Answer the Question "Who Am I?"

We've all wondered who we are and what makes us unique.

The Strength Finders assessment answers those questions. A part of the program includes taking an assessment, which is an online test (formerly named the Clifton StrengthsFinder) that measures the intensity of your talents in 34 themes. These 34 themes represent what people do best. They categorize all that's right with humankind -- distilled down to 34 different themes.

Immediately after completing the assessment, you'll receive your results in a report featuring customized descriptions of your rank-ordered dominant strengths. We will review those strengths and start your coaching program evaluting how they apply to you, how you have seen them lived out in your past decisions and behaviors, and how to equip yourself to use those strenghts to develop into a better leader and a more confident person. After this program you will be able to walk away knowing that you have:

  • Sharpened Your Skills

  • Improved Your Problem Solving

  • Directed Your Strengths towards Success

Strength Coaching Results:

6x Engagement

Individuals coached on their Strengths are six times as likely to be engaged in their jobs.

3x Excellence

Individuals coached in StrengthsFinder are three times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life.

Gallup Strength Finders Coaching

Why Strengths Coaching Makes the Difference.

Discovering your strengths is just the start, but applying and investing in them sparks real change.
Coaching gives you direction to aim your purpose at greater performance and to reach that end with success.