Essentials For Working Remote

Working remote on laptop at home

In a few short weeks, our lives have changed drastically. From the normal workplace and home problems to a pandemic with restrictions, social distancing, mandatory closures and working from home. The situation is changing every day. It begs the question, “What’s next?” This approach of social distancing to minimize the spread of COVID-19 creates another potential problem…isolation, disconnection and discouragement.

Before now, working from home one or two days a week was a luxury available to only a few professionals. They enjoyed casual clothes, no traffic, and maybe even felt a little less stressed on those days. I had this luxury when I worked in a corporate management role. Then I made a career change and began working from my home office all the time. It was a shocking shift! Even though I enjoyed the perks, I sometimes felt isolated and alone. I missed interacting with people. I didn’t realize how much that meant to my well-being. Don’t get me wrong, I was still involved in the daily email blizzard, virtual meetings and phone calls, but I still felt disconnected and sad. I was yearning for real, authentic connection.  My productivity, confidence and focus were waning. 

Fortunately, I joined a leadership program that made a crucial difference and turned everything around. What I learned from this program can help those that are now feeling isolated when working at home. 

Today, this is the advice I’m sharing with my clients who are feeling isolated:

  1. Get in touch with your feelings of isolation. Sometimes we tend to avoid emotions, but we all have them. Admitting your feelings is the first step to regaining your mojo.

  1. Create your “Life Team” *. Here’s how you do that. Think about the people you normally talk with about your feelings. The ones who change the subject when the topic turns difficult, awkward or sad, or those who tend to avoid challenges are probably not the best choice. Think about those who lean in and ask to hear more and offer support. These are the people you want on your “Life Team”.

  1. Tell someone on your “Life Team” how you’ve been feeling, and let them give you the “Relational Nutrients” * that you need.

  1. Allow yourself to fully receive the nutrients. Acknowledge how you’re feeling and what is needed. When we are able to connect with another human, albeit virtually right now, feelings of well-being usually take place immediately.

It’s important in the best and worst of times to remember that we are all connected. As you are navigating the new situation of working from home and social distancing because of COVID-19, try these 4 steps and feel the difference.

Heidi Sadecky is a highly-trained executive coach with over 30 years of combined corporate and coaching experience. She helps her clients operate at a higher level, overcome workplace challenges and achieve measurable results.

She is an in-demand facilitator of the only Townsend Leadership Program in the North East United States. Learn more here:

* Dr. Townsend is the Founder of the Townsend Leadership Program. His newest book, People Fuel: Fill Your Tank for Life, Love and Leadership is a book I read and recommend and where you can learn about “Relational Nutrients”. As Dr. Townsend writes, “We need to know what we need, recognize who can supply it and have the skills to get it.” New Townsend Leadership Program participants receive a complimentary copy of the book. 

Heidi Sadecky