The Power of Empathy: Leading with Heart (and Strength)

In today's competitive world, strong leadership is essential. But what separates good leaders from great ones? Empathy. As John Townsend so eloquently stated, "The near universal truth about leadership is that you can't lead people effectively until you understand them first, and you can't understand them first until you empathize with them.”

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Cultivating Generosity: The Essence of Effective Leadership

Too often, I've witnessed leaders hesitate to invest in their employees, fearing that such investments might be squandered if the employee chooses to depart. Recently, I was dismayed to learn of a leader who not only neglected to support an employee's leadership development but also demanded repayment for training costs.

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My Favorite Leadership Books for Every Leader

As an executive leadership coach and the director of the Townsend Leadership Program (TLP) in Pittsburgh, PA, I'm passionate about helping individuals grow as effective leaders. In this blog post, I'm excited to share with you some of my favorite leadership books that have been invaluable to me, and several of them are also featured on the TLP Reading List for 2024.

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The Power of a Trusted Leadership Support Team

As executives and leaders, the journey to success can often feel like a solitary endeavor. The weight of important decisions, strategic planning, and the ever-evolving business landscape can be overwhelming. In such moments, the value of a trusted, non-biased support team is almost immeasurable.

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