My Favorite Leadership Books for Every Leader


By Heidi Sadecky, MA,PCC – Executive Coach & Director, Townsend Leadership Program

Hello, leaders and aspiring leaders! As an executive leadership coach and the director of the Townsend Leadership Program (TLP) in Pittsburgh, PA, I'm passionate about helping individuals grow as effective leaders. In this blog post, I'm excited to share with you some of my favorite leadership books that have been invaluable to me, and several of them are also featured on the TLP Reading List for 2024. Whether you prefer reading in paperback, on an e-reader, borrowing from the library, or listening to audiobooks, these recommendations are accessible in various formats.

Atlas of the Heart by Dr. Brené Brown Dr. Brené Brown's book is a deep exploration of emotions and their impact on leadership and personal growth.

Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend This collaborative effort by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend explores the importance of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in leadership and life.

Dare to Lead by Dr. Brené Brown Dr. Brené Brown's book empowers leaders to embrace vulnerability and courage in their leadership journey.

The Entitlement Cure: Finding Success in Doing HARD Things the Right Way by Dr. John Townsend Dr. John Townsend's book offers valuable insights into tackling entitlement issues in leadership and personal growth.

The 6 Types of Working Genius by Patrick Lencioni Patrick Lencioni provides insights into different types of working genius, helping leaders better understand themselves and their teams.

Hero on a Mission by Donald Miller Donald Miller's work inspires leaders to find their purpose and become heroes in their own narratives.

People Fuel by Dr. John Townsend In this book, Dr. John Townsend explores the importance of personal and professional relationships in a leader's life.

Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality by Dr. Henry Cloud Dr. Henry Cloud delves into the concept of integrity and how it plays a crucial role in leadership.

TRUST by Dr. Henry Cloud Dr. Henry Cloud's book delves into the critical component of trust in leadership and relationships.

The Power of Other by Dr. Henry Cloud Dr. Henry Cloud discusses the significance of connections and relationships with others for effective leadership.

These books cover a wide range of leadership topics, from personal growth and relationships, to trust, courage, and finding your purpose as a leader. Whether you're a seasoned executive or just starting your leadership journey, there's something here for everyone.

So, pick up one of these books in your preferred format and start your leadership growth journey today. I guarantee you'll find valuable insights and inspiration within their pages. And if you're curious about the TLP Reading List for 2024, you're in for a treat as many of these books are included.

Happy reading and happy leadership!

Heidi Sadecky is a highly-trained executive coach with over 30 years of combined corporate and coaching experience. She helps her clients operate at a higher level, overcome workplace challenges and achieve measurable results.

She is an in-demand facilitator of the only Townsend Leadership Program, a unique and highly effective group coaching program located in the North East United States. Her newest leadership development program, E4 (Equip. Explore. Experience. Excel.) launched in the spring of 2023. Invite Heidi to speak to your group, or learn about her upcoming programs here.